Snowman Trek

The Snowman Trek in Bhutan is widely considered one of the most challenging and adventurous treks in the world. It traverses through the majestic Himalayas, taking trekkers on a remarkable journey through remote and pristine landscapes.

Covering a distance of approximately 200 miles (320 kilometers), this epic trek typically takes about 25 to 30 days to complete. The route follows ancient yak herder trails, crossing high mountain passes, including several over 16,000 feet (4,800 meters) in elevation. Trekkers will encounter breathtaking views of towering peaks, vast glaciers, and serene alpine lakes along the way.

The Snowman Trek offers a unique opportunity to witness Bhutan’s untouched wilderness. Remote villages and monasteries dot the trail, providing insights into the traditional way of life in this region. The cultural immersion and natural experiences make it a truly unforgettable adventure for those seeking a physical and spiritual challenge.

Due to its demanding nature, the Snowman Trek is recommended for experienced trekkers who are well-prepared both physically and mentally. The weather can be unpredictable and harsh at times, adding to the ruggedness of the journey. Hiring experienced guides and porters is highly recommended to ensure safety and navigation through the challenging terrains.

Embarking on the Snowman Trek requires careful planning and obtaining necessary permits from Bhutan’s government. It is important to note that the trek is only available during certain months of the year due to weather conditions.

Overall, the Snowman Trek in Bhutan offers an unparalleled adventure for trekking enthusiasts looking to push their limits and explore the raw beauty of the Himalayas


DAY 1 – Arrive Paro

DAY 2 – Acclimatization hike to Tiger’s Nest Monastery

DAY 3 – Paro to Sharna Zampa (trek starts)

DAY 4 – Sharna Zampa to Soi Thangkha

DAY 5 – Soi Thangkha to Jangothang

DAY 6 – Acclimatization day and exploration of Jangothang

DAY 7 – Jangothang to Lingshi

DAY 8 – Lingshi to Chebisa

DAY 9 – Chebisa to Shoumuthang

DAY 10 – Shoumuthang to Robluthnag

DAY 11 – Robluthang to Lingmithang

DAY 12 – Lingmithang to Laya

DAY 13 – Rest day at Laya

DAY 14 – Laya to Rodophu

DAY 15 – Rodophu to Narithang

DAY 16 – Narithang to Tarina

DAY 17 – Tarina to Woche

DAY 18 – Woche to Lhedi

DAY 19 – Lhedi to Thanza

DAY 20 – Rest day at Thanza

DAY 21 – Thanza to Tshorim

DAY 22 – Tshorim to Gangkhar Puesum base camp

DAY 23 – Gangkhar Puesum base camp to Geshe Woma

DAY 24 – Geshe Woma to Warathang

DAY 25 – Warathang to Duer Tshachu

DAY 26 – Duer Tshachu to Tshochenchen

DAY 27 – Tshochenchen to Gursum

DAY 28 – Gursum to Dur village, drive to Bumthang (Trek ends)

DAY 29 – Bumthang to Gangtey

DAY 30 (14 Oct, Monday) – Gangtey to Thimphu

DAY 31 (15 Oct, Tuesday) – Thimphu to Paro (depart)